
Will Smith refused to allow Margot Robbie tattoo him

WGTC: Haphazardly paced and generically plotted, Suicide Squad benefits immensely from the winning presence of Will Smith’s Deadshot and Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn, two thrilling and tremendously well-crafted villains who are easier to root for than anyone in this year’s other DC entry.


Smith believes the film “is an exploration of the concept of redemption”.

But when they realise they could have been chosen to fail, it’s every man for himself.

Smith’s character of Deadshot is the leader of the group, which also includes Jared Leto as the Joker – previously portrayed by the late Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight series. They’re are the worst of the worst.

It was always going to be an ambitious project, especially following its disappointing DC Comics Extended Universe predecessor Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but they simply bit off more than they could chew.

“With these guys, will they complete the mission?”

In spite of mixed reviews from critics after the lifting of the review embargo, Fandango is reporting today that Suicide Squad has broken the record as the top pre-selling August movie in its history.

Although the “Suicide Squad” actress is madly in love with her boyfriend Tom Ackerley and thinks he is “the most handsome guy in the world”, she insisted that her busy schedule has left her with no time to even think about getting engaged and settling down. “We were joined at the hip”, says Robbie.

There’s both undeniable sincerity and an over-the-top punk rock vibe to writer/director David Ayer’s completely bonkers ode to supervillains (***½ out of four; rated PG-13; in theaters nationwide Friday) tapped to contribute to the greater good. It certainly gets you working.

Should you watch this at weekday movie ticket prices? “He has a very strong, personal connection to things, as we all do, and he brought all [the tattoo ideas] to the table”, Leto explained to Refinery29 in an exclusive interview.

Hollywood star Margot Robbie has told how she keeps pals waiting for a reply to their messages – even when the sender is Prince Harry.


The comic book team is moving closer to the Suicide Squad movie line-up with Katana and Killer Croc additions along with more classic Task Force X members.

HARLEY QUINN Gets A New Life In REBIRTH Relaunch