
Trump surrogate Chris Christie calls attacks on the Khan family ‘inappropriate’

Jasser who is a prominent Muslim, conservative, Republican and military veteran denounced Trump’s comments targeting the parents of Humayun Khan, a Muslim American Army Captain killed in action in 2004.


The commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars also said Monday that Trump’s criticism of the Khan is unacceptable.

Donald Trump’s exchange with the father of an Army captain killed in Iraq is still dominating political headlines, and it’s causing more Republicans to distance themselves from their party’s nominee.

“Well you can talk to Donald Trump”, Scott said when asked by a reporter if he should apologize.

“While our party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us”, McCain said in a statement. Let us know what you think by taking our poll, commenting on the story and joining the conversation on Facebook!

Mrs Khan has since penned an op-ed for The Washington Times, condemning Trump’s comments and explaining her reasons for not speaking at the DNC.

“I haven’t heard or read every one of the statements that’s been made”, Christie later added.

Does anyone understand the hypocrisy of Republicans who disagree so profoundly with Trump and still support him? My heart breaks for the Khan family. “He has suggested that the likes of their son should not be allowed in the United States – to say nothing of entering its service”, McCain said.

Khizr Khan, Humayun’s father, immigrated to the USA from Pakistan. “There is never enough honor we can show to the families of those whose loved ones have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country”, Thornberry said. Back in January, the Republican presidential hopeful said the USA military was “a disaster”, and last month he told a Virginia TV station “we have a military that’s depleted and in disgusting shape”.

For several days, the media has been gushing about Khizr Kahn’s emotional speech – and his forceful denunciation of GOP nominee Donald Trump – at the Democratic national convention in Philadelphia. He further stoked outrage by implying that Ghazala Khan did not speak alongside her husband at last week’s Democratic convention because they’re Muslim.


Roe said he hopes that Trump will concentrate on other issues, including immigration and education.

Khizr Khan who's son Humayun was killed serving in the U.S. Army ten years after