
My Position On Keeping Terrorists Out Is What Bothered Khizr Khan

Ghazala and Khizr Khan, who originate from Pakistani, took to the stage at last week’s DNC, where Mr Khan delivered a speech citing the sacrifice both he, his wife, and his son have made as Americans, calling out Donald Trump for his proposed ban on Muslims.


The Khans spoke at the Democratic National Convention last week and criticized Trump’s understanding of the constitution, to which Trump has responded with a series of controversial comments widely deemed as racist, sexist and against American military families. Trump has since said Khizr Khan had “no right” to criticize him and speculated that the soldier’s mother, who also appeared onstage at the Democratic Convention, was not “allowed” to speak.

In a statement from the Trump campaign released Saturday night, Donald Trump did say, “Captain Humayun Khan was a hero to our country”.

Ghazala Khan wrote in Sunday’s Washington Post that she did not speak because talking about her son’s death remains hard.

“The service and devotion of Gold Star families to America can not be questioned”, Abbott said in a statement provided Monday to The Texas Tribune. Buffett is the latest business leader to back Clinton over Republican Donald Trump.

“The issue here is not one of the Khan family’s patriotism or sacrifice – that is indisputable – it is about stopping the encroachment of radical Islam”, U.S. Rep. Diane Black of Gallatin said. “First of all, he said the Khan family looked like awesome people in that interview … he called him a hero so many different times“.

Add this to the lists of reasons why Susana Martinez hasn’t endorsed Donald Trump.

“The Khans have a right to say whatever it is they want regarding the loss of their son and for all the Gold Star families out there they have put forward a sacrifice that I can not fathom as a parent”, Christie said.

Among Trump’s most recent comments was a Tweet sent Monday claiming he was “viciously attacked” by the Kahns. Trump asked. “I think I have made a lot of sacrifices”.


Tennessee Republicans, however, offered praise for the fallen soldier without directly criticizing Trump. He went on: “While our Party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered licence to defame those who are the best among us”, he said. She had nothing to say. He said he would like to hear from me. She subsequently did grant interviews to MSNBC and other outlets, although this didn’t stop Trump from suggesting that her husband wouldn’t allow her to talk publicly.

Gold Star families to Trump: Apologize for comments to Khans