
Swimsuit mural of Hillary Clinton creates a stir in Australia

Lushsux was quick to post a picture of the renovated mural to his new Instagram account, with the following caption serving as a biting response to the concerns previously voiced by the council: “This is no longer a wall of a supposed “offensive and near naked” Hillary Clinton, it is now a depiction of a attractive Muslim woman”. He seemingly tried to pre-empt the next round of criticism by writing a message next to the modified mural: “If this Muslim woman offends u, u r a bigot, racist, sexist Islamophobe”.


He then censored the painting by adding faces of her husband, the Republican presidential candidate.

The Guardian reports that: “As well as the council threatening the owner of the building with prosecution and a fine if the mural was not removed, the artist, known as Lushsux, had his Instagram account deleted after posting the image to the social media platform”.

“This is no longer a wall of a supposed “offensive and near naked” Hillary Clinton, a handsome Muslim woman”, he tweeted along with an image of the updated, censored mural. “No reasonable person would consider this offensive”.

Lushsux accused the council of being out of control and said it was “on par offence-wise” with a deodorant advert.

However, he still found his work painted over with an enormous black square the following day. “They bullied the real estate agents that run the property into it”, he said.

Residents of a Melbourne suburb are seeking to have an “offensive” street mural of Hillary Clinton removed.

Lushsux apparently created a new account where he posted photos of the hijab-wearing Clinton.

“This artist is world acclaimed”, she said. Finally, the artist posted a photo of the wall online, after it had been painted completely black, with the caption “Looks like the council wins”.


Maribyrnong council felt that the mural, depicting Clinton in a provocative bathing suit with $100 notes sticking out of it, “contravenes its gender equity policy”.

Thw two murals of Hillary Clinton