
Should Trump apologize to Khan family?

Khizr Khan, Humayun’s father, spoke out against Trump during an emotional speech, saying Trump had “sacrificed nothing and no one”.


Khizr Khan: “We want to maintain our dignity”. I will gladly lend you my copy.

Speaking to Khan’s father, Khizr, Baldasaro told WBIN-TV, “You disgraced your son, who died as a hero”.

But even after Wasinger’s request, no Republican seems to have heeded the call for help.

In addition to the VFW, 17 other Gold Star families also denounced Trump’s attack on the Khan family on Monday. “He suggested that the likes of their son should not be allowed in the United States-to say nothing of entering its service”.

“I can not emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statements”. He acts as if he’s responsible or beholden to no one… as if no one should be criticizing him.

Pence quieted a crowd that was booing a woman who asked Pence at a town hall meeting in Carson City Monday how he could tolerate Trump’s disrespect for American servicemen.

President Barack Obama on Monday told a veterans organization in Atlanta, where he was set to attend a fundraiser for Clinton, that families who have lost someone in the military have sacrificed more than anyone. We need to respect that family and make sure that family is honored and not criticized. “Service to our country is above politics”. McCain, a former POW in the Vietnam War, said in a statement that the fact that Trump won his party’s nomination doesn’t give him “unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us”. Hanna is not running for re-election.

Ghazala Khan wrote in Sunday’s Washington Post that she did not speak because talking about her son’s death remains hard. “I recognize that Donald Trump has his supporters throughout Monmouth County and that this position may not be popular with some, but the reality is that my sense of duty and my love of country will always come before any political or campaign considerations”.

In a statement from the Trump campaign released Saturday night, Donald Trump did say, “Captain Humayun Khan was a hero to our country”.

Trump fired back in an interview with ABC’s “This Week”, saying: “If you look at his wife, she was standing there”.


“To go and see this captain that had sacrificed so much, it was really moving”, she said. He criticized her and joked that maybe he would run for governor of New Mexico.


1 Comment on this Post

  1. trump should not apologize to this man he’s a clinton and obama crony.he should be yelling them about the death and lies of his son and other military men and women they sacrificed.this man is helping them bring in more refugees and has ties to clinton foundation.

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