
Trump campaign asks GOP lawmakers for support in Khan family debacle

Trump has been clashing with the Khans after Khizr Khan, Humayun Khan’s father, delivered an emotional speech Thursday at the Democratic National Convention in which he said Trump had “sacrificed nothing and no one”.


Hillary Clinton first mentioned Humayun Khan in a speech in Minneapolis on December 15, when she quoted the elder Khan’s Vocativ comments.

His sentiments were shared by the largest United States war veterans group, Veterans of Foreign Wars, who slammed the attacks as “out-of-bounds.” and said they “would not tolerate them”.

But none have rescinded their endorsement of Trump, and Rubio said he wouldn’t, either – underscoring the ambivalence of many Republicans toward their standard-bearer this year, but also the reluctance of some to do anything to benefit Clinton’s candidacy.

Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, Monday in a written statement strongly condemned Trump’s statement about the Khan family.

Republicans, from Trump’s staunch supporters to those who have previously been reluctant to engage with Trump, have spoken out overwhelmingly in support of the Khans.

“He continues to oppose, continues to marginalize, ostracize American Muslims who have contributed greatly to this nation”. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say.

Ghazala Khan responded in later interviews and in a Washington Post op-ed, explaining that she was too overcome by grief for her son to speak before the convention crowd. At home, she said, “I can not even come into the room where his pictures are”.

But going after the parents of a soldier who died in service to our country?

Over the weekend, Trump responded by belittling Khan’s wife, questioning why she remained silent at her husband’s side during his speech.

Khizr Khan told CNN on Monday that “We want to be out of this controversy”.

Ghazala Khan said it’s hard to have her son’s death become a political talking point, but that’s not stopping her and her husband from hitting back at the billionaire. It came on the same day that President Barack Obama declared Trump unfit to serve as president and questioned why McCain, Ryan and other GOP leaders continued to support him, especially in light of Trump’s attacks on a pair of bereaved Army parents who took the stage at the Democratic National Convention to oppose him.

“[Border security] is a very big subject for me”.

Late Monday, some Gold Star families called on Trump to apologize to the Khans.

“And what has he heard from Donald Trump?”. “He is unfit to serve our party and can not lead this country”.

“Capt. Khan was an American hero, and like all Americans I’m grateful for the sacrifices that selfless young men like Capt. Khan and their families have made in the war on terror”, McConnell’s statement said.


Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, said in a statement: “There used to be some things that were sacred in American politics-that you don’t do-like criticizing the parents of a fallen soldier even if they criticize you”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is seen on day three of the Republican National Convention at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland Ohio