
Support breastfeeding for sustainable development: Unicef, WHO

“Breastfeeding is one of the most effective – and cost-effective – ways to save and improve the lives of children everywhere, yielding lifelong health benefits for infants and their mothers”, they said. Some of the groups are organised by public health nurses, while others are organised by trained breastfeeding support volunteers, all who have breastfed or are still breastfeeding mums.


Breastfeeding provides an important foundation for healthy eating, growth and development for babies.

Janet continued, “For many mums we know getting started isn’t easy and that’s why support is crucial”.

The Tennessee Health Department is encouraging women to breastfeed their babies with events across the state. Studies have proven that breastfed children have six times the chances of survival than non-breastfed children.

She said we are doing our children the greatest harm on earth if we don’t exclusively breast feed them because breast milk contains all the essential nutrients required for proper development of the child, particularly proper development of the brain.

As another way to support breastfeeding mothers, Momsense is raising awareness for World Breastfeeding Week, which is celebrated in 120 countries and marks the signing of the WHO/UNICEF document Innocenti Declaration, which lists the benefits of breastfeeding, plus global and governmental goals.

It’s World Breastfeeding Week, and Okaloosa County Health officials are recognizing area businesses and hospitals for their efforts in trying to make the county breastfeeding-friendly. Research suggests that breastfed babies have lower risks of asthma, childhood obesity, ear infections, eczema, diarrhea, vomiting and sudden infant death syndrome.

Breastfeeding also can help drive the achievement of SDG4, which includes inclusive education and lifelong learning. If we look at the goals, it is only well breast fed children that can key in towards achieving those sustainable development goals. Unless the mother suffers from severe psychiatric illness, exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for all children upto six months and from the seventh month onwards supplementary nutrition can be given to the child along with mother’s milk. Medical care costs are lower for fully breastfed infants than never-breastfed infants. Breastfeeding also means food security for infants.

“It also promotes quick recovery for sick babies and ensures that they do not frequent the hospitals”.


“In turn, this can increase the ability of women and girls to return to school, and to work outside the home and better support their families”.

World Breastfeeding Week Breast milk is a baby’s first vaccine