
Will Trump Endorse Ryan’s Primary Opponent?

What is happening is that Trump is turning his campaign of insults and derision of one group of voters after another against a growing number of GOP congressional leaders and respected Republican senators. Still, top Republican lawmakers have not withdrawn their support for Trump as the party’s presidential pick.


Writing in Wisconsin’s Janesville Gazette, the speaker said he believed that the presumptive nominee would buy-in to the House GOP agenda.

Ryan’s remarks were mostly read as a thinly veiled rebuke of Trump.

Trump said that Ryan has sought his endorsement but that he is only “giving it very serious consideration”. Priebus has been speaking with campaign chairman Paul Manafort and the billionaire’s children, who are said to agree that Trump needs to stop picking fights within his own party, according to a Republican official with knowledge of the conversations.

“We need loyal people in this country”, Trump added in the interview. We need very, very strong leadership.

An Associated Press reporter later asked Pence if he would endorse McCain or Ryan while the candidate was signing autographs and posing for selfies with supporters.

The Hewlett-Packard executive said in a statement Tuesday night that Republican nominee Donald Trump’s “demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character”. In a statement Ryan said: “Many Muslim Americans have served valiantly in our military, and made the ultimate sacrifice”.

Of McCain, whom he’d previously criticized for being taken captive in Vietnam, Trump said: “I’ve never been there with John McCain because I’ve always felt that he should have done a much better job for the vets”. Kelly Ayotte in the same interview with the Washington Post. I know she’s given me no support zero support and yet I’m leading her in the polls. We need fighters in this country.

“Democracy is also at stake, as we see more and more people tempted by authoritarianism”, he said, “especially” in the United States.

But on Tuesday the program again went off course, as the Republican nominee seemed to upend a fragile GOP détente by revealing he would not endorse Ryan – or Arizona Sen.

The conflict comes two weeks after the Republican National Convention, during which Donald Trump was formally nominated for president. Trump said the grieving father had “no right” to criticize him, only later acknowledging that Kahn’s son, U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, is a hero.

Even the mainstream press, whose reflex to normalize any and every candidate, to make a wash of the differences and relative demerits between Democrats and Republicans is as ingrained as ever, is beginning to shake out of its collective Trump sleepwalk.


In the ad, Ryan speaks directly to the camera, saying he’s committed to securing the border and doing what’s necessary to protect the US from terrorists who “want to destroy our freedom and security”.

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