
Warren Buffett has an offer for Donald Trump

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received a much higher bump after her party’s convention than Trump.


Speaking at a Hillary Clinton rally in Omaha, Nebraska today, the multi-billionaire joked he would meet Trump “any place, any time between now and election” to go over each other’s tax returns.

Khizr Khan harshly criticised Trump in his speech before the Democratic National Convention.

Between 1995 and 2005, Buffett says, Trump Hotels, trading under ticker symbol DJT, lost money every year during a time when a random selection of stocks (or, as Buffett memorably put it, “a monkey throwing a dart”) would’ve earned 150 percent. One of her most controversial critiques: Clinton’s actions are comparable to Donald Trump’s rhetoric.

While Hanna used some strong words in his rebuke of Trump, he’s hardly a fly-off-the-handle kind of guy.

Trump urged the public to “watch very closely” when the Nov 8 elections roll around and called on Republicans to be vigilant since he fears the transparency of the voting process could be threatened. “For me, if our party has a future, we have to change that trajectory and lead by example”, she said.

On Tuesday, retiring GOP Rep. Richard Hanna of NY became the first sitting Republican member of Congress to publicly announce he would be supporting Mrs. Clinton. Buffet said though Trump told the slain soldier’s parents that he sacrificed a lot, actually he and his family have sacrificed nothing.

“There has to come a point at which you say, somebody who makes those kinds of statements doesn’t have the judgment, the temperament, the understanding to occupy the most powerful position in the world”, Mr Obama said.

“I will be hopeful and resolute in my belief that being a good American who loves his country is far more important than parties or winning and losing”, Hanna said.


Trump last summer said former Vietnam prisoner of war McCain wasn’t a hero because he was captured, before going on to win his party’s nomination. “I think we’ll get better than 4 per cent growth”, Trump told Fox news.
