
Public outrage grows over Trump’s Gold Star family comments

She lost her own son Army Lieutenant Ken Ballard just one week earlier on Memorial Day 2004.


Ghanbari continued, “the sacrifice of our service members will never be forgotten so long as we continue to learn and continue the dialog”. Back in January, the Republican presidential hopeful said the USA military was “a disaster”, and last month he told a Virginia TV station “we have a military that’s depleted and in awful shape”. The letter was organized by Gold Star Mother Karen Meredith from, an advocacy group that calls itself non-partisan but which has been described in the past as allied to Congressional Democrats.

Across the country, top Republican officials-Senator John McCain, House Speaker Paul Ryan, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell among them-raced to distance themselves from Trump, though they didn’t rescind their endorsements.

Along comes this inhuman person with his vile, appalling remarks who says this woman didn’t say anything because she wasn’t allowed to.

“Mr. Trump has made a firestorm happen that didn’t need to happen and that insults everybody who served”, said Zappala, of Philadelphia.

Donald Trump has asked why I did not speak at the Democratic convention.

Ryan Manion Borek, a Republican from Doylestown, Pennsylvania, said she is happy the Khans got to share their son’s story and hopes the backlash prompts both candidates to address Gold Star issues. He was killed by an IED in Iraq on December 27, 2006.

Among his critics, the Veterans of Foreign Wars released a statement denouncing Trump’s comments.

KAKE News spoke with the Islamic Society of Wichita Monday about Trump’s remarks.

Alaska U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski says Gold Star families of service members killed in war deserve “unconditional love and support” for that sacrifice.

A lot of republicans started distancing themselves from their party’s Presidential nominee last weekend as the war of words escalated between the Kahns and Trump. Khan, a Muslim American and Harvard-educated lawyer, criticized Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States.

“I requested Sharon to introduce me, because I understood that our Gold Star families have made a sacrifice that most of us can’t even begin to imagine”. During his recent trip to Atlanta, President Obama spoke at the National Convention of Disabled American Veterans and shared how Americans should honor Gold Star families.

Khizr Khan sharply criticized Trump during the Democratic National Convention.

Ghazala Khan said that she stayed silent on stage because she was nervous and emotional, and said she finds it hard to speak about her late son.


“We feel we must speak out and demand you apologise to the Khans, to all Gold Star families, and to all Americans for your offensive, and frankly anti-American comments”.

LCpl. William Koprince Jr. was killed by an IED in Iraq