
New Evolve Stage 2 Hunter Quantum Caira Unveiled

The new content will include three Character Adaptations, three Map Variants, a new game mode, and “a veritable 3-meat feast of community requested features and quality of life improvements”. There’ll be one addition per week, with this week’s offering being a new version of medic Caira called Quantum Caira.


Evolve made an epic return to PCs earlier this month as Evolve Stage 2, a free version of Turtle Rock’s first-person co-op shooter that was originally released a year ago.

Evolve Stage 2 is now completely free-to-play on PC.

Proton Field – A zone that deals damage over time to enemies.

Regeneration Field – Deploys a Generyst™ zone that heals each nearby Hunter over time.

Quantum Caira is the second new character to join Evolve: Stage 2’s roster since the switch; the first was the Hunter Electro Griffin. For anyone wondering what Quantum Caira’s all about, her abilities are detailed in the trailer.

Basically, if you’re not playing as Quantum Ciara, you better be damn well stood near her. Her Regeneration Fields create healing zones while her Neutron Barrier blocks damage for the whole team, as long as she’s in the right place.

As well as adding the medic, the game also gets a new “try before you buy” option, “where all hunters, monsters, skins and perks that you’d normally earn using Silver Keys are now unlocked in the game’s Training Mode”.


Generyst II Field: An area that heals Hunters and damages Monsters for the duration of the effect.

New Evolve Stage 2 Hunter Quantum Caira