
Trump shatters political norm with endorsement refusals

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has declined to endorse the re-election campaign of House speaker Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking member of his party here.


Ryan faces a Republican primary next week in his Wisconsin district against challenger Paul Nehlen, whom Trump has praised.

“I like Paul, but these are frightful times for our country”, Trump on Tuesday told the Washington Post, a publication that is banned from Trump’s campaign events. ‘We should only honor and respect Gold Star parents and the service of the finest among us who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice, ‘ says Johnson. The campaign “just finished up our strongest month of fundraising to date, we’re adding talented and experienced staffers on a daily basis and Mr. Trump’s turning out bigger, more enthusiastic crowds than Hillary Clinton ever could”.

Trump said he’s “just not quite there yet” when it comes to backing Ryan, who has at times been critical of Trump’s most controversial comments. “I’m not quite there yet”. “He’ll probably go down as the worst president in the history of our country”. Nehlen, while largely considered a long shot, is trying to use his new-found publicity to boot Ryan from his congressional seat – an upset that could signal whether Trump’s personal political clout can move voters in November. In fact, Trump has given Pence wide latitude to speak his mind and has personally encouraged him to stay true to his own ideas, believing Pence is loyal to the campaign. By throwing his support to Mrs. Clinton, he becomes the first Republican member of Congress to go beyond disavowing Mr. Trump, and join forces with the Democrats against him.

“It is clear to me that Secretary Clinton’s temperament, global experience and commitment to America’s bedrock national values make her the far better choice in 2016 for President of the United States”, she said.

And whither McCain, whose belated criticism of Trump’s attack on the Khans was dutifully described as “blistering” by the D.C. press corps, but who refused to foreswear his support for “the Republican nominee”. “I can not emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statement”. John McCain in his forthcoming race. “Very much appreciated.” Nehlen has been tweeting articles and comments supporting the Republican presidential nominee, even as Trump was getting hit by top Republicans for his comments about the Khan family. “If it is Russian Federation and they are interfering in our elections, I can assure you both parties and the United States government will ensure there are serious consequences”. But its real target was white moderates; it assured them that Bush wasn’t like those hard-hearted Republicans they’d gotten used to, and they could vote for him without worrying that he’d turn out to be Jesse Helms or Strom Thurmond. Obama asked. “This isn’t a situation where you have an episodic gaffe”.


Still, two Trump insiders said Priebus has talked to Trump several times in recent days, conveying the dismay among senior party leaders and donors. After months of Trump promising to adopt a more presidential tone, Republicans are beginning to lose hope of a pivot for the general election.

President Barack Obama speaks at the 95th National