
Recent Polls Show Trump Trailing, So He Says They’re ‘Phony’

John McCain was not a war hero because he was caught.


Obama on Trump’s qualifications: In one of his harshest criticisms of Trump yet, President Obama said Tuesday, “The Republican nominee is unfit to serve as president”, reports CNN.

All three chided Trump for engaging in a flap with Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star and Purple Heart after his death in 2004. His odds have been falling since the end of the Republican National Convention, when he was at 40%.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton extended her lead over Republican rival Donald Trump to eight percentage points, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday, from six points on Friday. “He is unfit to serve our party and can not lead this country”. He is unrepentant in all things. Hours later, a former top aide to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie also came out to say she will back Hillary Clinton.

He later repeated the claim on Fox News, adding “I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it’s going to be taken away from us”.

“While I disagree with her on many issues”, he said, “I will vote for Mrs. Clinton”. “Not to mention the lack of policy specifics, and candidly the lack of policy knowledge generally have given me a lot of pause”, said Dent. While not a household name, her decision to leave the party rocked those who make politics their profession.

The Republican presidential nominee noted that he hears “more and more” that the November 8 vote may not be contested fairly.

At a packed school rally in Virginia, Donald Trump blasted both Hillary Clinton and President Obama. So in an interview this morning, knowing that Clinton has proposed a $275 billion infrastructure spending plan over five years, Trump told Fox Business News that he would “at least” double that amount of spending. Members of Hanna’s staff confirmed the Clinton endorsement.

Post-convention, a CNN/ORC International survey had Clinton ahead, 52 percent to 43 percent. “And that can’t start until he apologizes to the Khans”, Dakota Meyer, one of a handful of living Medal of Honor recipients and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s son-in-law, wrote Tuesday on Twitter.

In Cuyahoga County, some of Trump’s original supporters who want to help him are angry that there is not yet a campaign office or call center for them to work out of and help their candidate.


Christie, who endorsed Trump after he stepped out of the race in the primaries, said the candidate’s comments were “inappropriate”. “And we are confident in a victory next week regardless”.

The gravesite of Muslim-American U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan is shown at Arlington National Cemetary