
Trump Says He’ll Spend More Than $500 Billion on Infrastructure

Rep. Mike Coffman, a vulnerable Republican in a competitive Colorado district, said he was “deeply offended when Donald Trump fails to honour the sacrifices of all of our courageous soldiers who were lost in that war”.


Trump has attacked the Khan family numerous times since Khizr Khan and his wife, Ghazala, appeared at the Democratic National Convention last week and condemned the GOP nominee as failing to adhere to the Constitution, pointing to his proposal to ban Muslim immigrants.

“Our volunteers and contributors are clearly committed to electing Donald J. Trump as President in November”.

It’s the broader general election audience, a far more diverse group still weighing Trump’s readiness for the White House.

He added that while he may have had policy disagreements with his Republican challengers in the 2008 and 2012 presidential races, if he lost to either Sen.

“The question I think that they have to ask themselves is, if you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable: Why are you still endorsing him?” “And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it’s going to be taken away from us”.

However, none of the Republican lawmakers pulled back their support of Trump’s White House campaign.

While Americans are more likely to surround themselves with friends who support their presidential candidate of choice, the divide also extends to the conversations they’re having about the election.

Trump has not been shy about asserting that the electoral process has been “rigged”.

It became a frequent catchphrase of his during a low-water mark of his primary campaign this spring, when forces allied with Republican rival Ted Cruz managed to pack state delegations with supporters of the Texas senator. Trump also asserted that the Republican Party had changed the delegate allocation in the Florida primary to favour a native candidate, like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio, at Trump’s expense.

Until Trump files his monthly report with the Federal Election Commission, it’s unclear how much of that money will go directly to his campaign and how much will be divvied up between the Republican National Committee and state parties as part of joint fundraising agreements. Monday night, Trump said Sanders “made a deal with the devil”, and said of Clinton, “She’s the devil”. Ryan’s office declined to comment on Hanna’s announcement.

The event in OH was Trump’s first campaign appearance since the onset of his tussle with the parents of a slain Army veteran, but he did not address the flap.

The debate now between Republicans and Democrats is how to pay for it.

“Conservatives should reform the party of Lincoln, not surrender to the Clinton’s machine’s dishonesty and identity politics”, Sasse said in a statement emailed to Reuters.

“It’s just who he is”, said Stuart Jolly, a former campaign staffer and current political director for the pro-Trump Great America PAC.

Pence asked the Nevada crowd to quiet down, then said about the questioner: “That’s what freedom looks like”.


Lewis added that he found Trump’s remarks on infrastructure hard to follow.

L-R Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivers a speech during the evening session on the fourth day of the Republican National Convention