
In split with Trump, Trump’s VP backs Ryan

Donald Trump this week refused to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.


One of the people said Trump privately blames his own staff for failing to quiet the backlash from his own party after he criticized an American Muslim family whose son, a U.S. Army captain, was killed in Iraq.

At a White House news conference, Obama said Trump is “woefully unprepared to do this job” and questioned how top Republicans, including Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and McCain can regularly denounce Trump’s statements while still supporting his bid for the presidency.

Opinion Journal: Who Speaks for Republicans?

Although the odds of Nehlen winning an upset victory over Ryan are slim, his association with Trump has helped him win the endorsements of conservative media firebrands like Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin, which could make him a formidable opponent against the House Speaker, reported NBC News.

A Fox News survey released Wednesday found Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton 10 percentage points ahead of Trump, 49% to 39%.

President Barack Obama on Tuesday blasted Trump as unfit to be president and questioned why any Republican would support the NY businessman, who is seeking his first public office.

“Thanks to @pnehlen for your kind words, very much appreciated”, Trump tweeted later that day.

Also, former Chris Christie aide Maria Comella said she supports Clinton. “Beat Crooked H!” – a reference to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Paul Manafort says in an interview with Fox News Channel that “the candidate is in control of his campaign”. “There’s been a very good relationship…”

“If you are repeatedly having to say, in very strong terms, that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him?”

In an interview with The Washington Post on Tuesday, Trump declined to endorse Ryan or Sen.

Asked about Trump’s refusal himself to endorse Ryan, Pence said: ‘I think what Donald Trump said is he’s not there yet.

“The speaker has a full schedule – can’t back out of previous commitments in the (congressional) district”. Take Trump’s call to Russian Federation to hack into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Donald Trump says there’s “great unity” in his campaign -despite growing dissent and turmoil among his fellow Republicans.

The soldier’s father had criticized Trump at last week’s Democratic convention. He challenged Republican leaders to disavow Trump.

It has been relayed to Trump hat he is losing what tenuous support he has in the party establishment, and that already skeptical donors are heading for the exits or telling the senior team can’t count on serious progress when he looks so toxic.


Another source close to the campaign expressed bewilderment over Trump’s fight with Ryan, saying Trump should focus on issues that actually matter to people. His plans have included the ban on Muslims, building a wall along the Mexican border to keep out illegal immigrants and renegotiating trade agreements. “We have a very, very busy schedule”.

Mike Pence backs Paul Ryan