
Gold Star Families Demand Trump Apologize For ‘Repugnant’ Khan Attacks

Maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say.


“What we wish is that Mr. Trump would apologize to the Khan family and have some common decency”.

Schauwecker’s son, Richard Blakely, was killed in Iraq on June 6, 2006.

Grassley’s Democratic opponent says Grassley should “demand an apology” from Trump.

The group hit Trump for questioning why Khan’s wife didn’t speak at the convention, writing: “When you question a mother’s pain, by implying that her religion, not her grief, kept her from addressing an arena of people, you are attacking us”.

“No one has given more for our freedom and our security than our Gold Star families”, he said. “Our Gold Star families have made a sacrifice that most of us can not even begin to imagine”, President Obama told a Disabled Americans Veterans gathering in Atlanta on Monday. Noting his son’s sacrifice, Khan rejected Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s proposal to restrict Muslim immigration.

The Khans are what is known in the United States as a “Gold Star Family”, meaning they have lost an immediate relative in a military action.

Following Trump’s response, the Khans and other Gold Star families have received an outpouring of support from both Republicans and Democrats.

“They try to make a political football out of it, and it’s not political”, Don Schauwecker said, an Indiana Gold Star parent. In interviews since Thursday, Ghazala Khan said she tries to avoid rooms where her son’s picture hangs for fear of breaking down in tears. Earlier, the Bera campaign seized on comments that Jones made to the Sacramento Bee saying that while he intends to vote for Trump, he has not endorsed his candidacy. “He’s about 20 stones away from my son”, said Meredith.

“For me, it’s been 12 years”.

Khan was killed in 2004, while George W. Bush was president and before Clinton served as secretary of state.

“I agree, as do many Democrats, that our European allies in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation need to spend more money”, Cotton said.

“I can not emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statements”. Speaking from Long Beach, California, she told The Independent: “Everything that Donald Trump says is insane. He doesn’t know what the word sacrifice means”. “I guess he uses a different dictionary than normal people do”.

One need not be a Clinton supporter to recognize that Trump crossed the line.

It is revealing that Trump considers building a memorial for a war he avoided to be a form of public service. Given his history of declaring that the military will obey him even on illegal orders, he has a long way to go. “How much respect could the military have for him?”


Cotton also said he continues to support Trump for president. “They will be destroyed”, he said. “They represent the best of our country”, he said. A number of families have asked for their names to be added to the original 11 signers as of Tuesday, it was just under 30. A parent receives a Gold Star designation when their child is killed in combat. His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there.

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