
William Shatner Would Be Open to Star Trek: Discovery Appearance

And, seeing as how this year is the 50th anniversary for all things “Trek” and the new movie, “Star Trek Beyond” recently is out in theaters, I thought it high time to speak on the matter. Tricorders could be seen as a more advanced version of today’s MRI machines, but the “Star Trek” sensors are likely not possible since they use (imaginary) subspace fields. The most iconic character has to be Captain James T. Kirk, who kicked off the adventures into space where no man had gone before.


“I’m not sure if I’d want to be a part of it, having done, at this point, one-hundred-and-eighty-some hours of Star Trek”. I can understand why William Shatner would want more to do in Star Trek: Discovery than what Leonard Nimoy was given when he reprised Spock.

And it turns out that this malaise extended to some of the cast, too, because Karl Urban has now revealed that he was so annoyed about his role in Into Darkness that he nearly didn’t agree to return for “Star Trek Beyond” as Bones.

Showrunner Byan Fuller offered a tease to AICN by stating a hint is in the number of Star Trek: Discovery’s ship, which is NCC-1031.

The Star Trek of the past was all about science and exploration, and a future where the human race had moved beyond our self-imposed ideas of “difference” and realized that we all benefit from working together and helping each other.

When asked if there was any way he’d drop by Discovery, he said he would, but only, “If I were useful”.

I think it achieved something that was desperately missing from its predecessors: An emotional core to the story.

And, it took chances, just like the previous two films, but did so in areas that felt quintessentially “Star Trek”.


Beyond now in theaters, next on the radar for fans of the long-running sci-fi franchise is Star Trek: Discovery, the new TV show set to premiere in early 2017. Now, we have an answer, and it may have been in front of our noses this whole time.
