
Johnson says Trump should apologize for Khan comments

Donald Trump, you’re asking Americans to trust you with their future.


Khizr Khan gave a widely noticed speech at the Democratic National Convention last week that questioned Trump’s understanding of the U.S. Constitution for proposing to ban all Muslims from traveling to the U.S.

Donald Trump said had he been president at the time, Khizr Khan’s son – the U.S. Army officer who was killed in Iraq by a suicide bomber – would have still been alive.

The candidate’s callous remarks have been condemned by many, including Republican politicians and other Gold Star families who called on him to apologize.

Trump broke a political and societal taboo over the weekend when he criticised Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

“I’m talking about people coming over here from Syria that aren’t properly vetted”, he said.

McCain has also criticized Trump in recent weeks for his statements that he might not back North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies who haven’t been fulfilling their financial obligations to the alliance.

To Trump’s remark, Khan retorted, “I can say anything I want”.

Ecklund, a Marine Corp veteran, said it was “so disrespectful to demonize a Gold Star family that only should be honored”.

Senator Roy Blunt, R-Mo., added: “The Khans have made the greatest possible sacrifice for our country; they deserve to be heard and respected”.

Trump also claimed on stage that one of the family members handed him a campaign contribution in the form of a check.

Meredith says the letter posted Monday on the website includes 23 Gold Star families from across the nation.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, said in a statement: “There used to be some things that were sacred in American politics-that you don’t do-like criticizing the parents of a fallen soldier even if they criticize you”. “He just doesn’t understand the risks and the sacrifice that these families are making”.

Trump went on nonsensically to say he has “sacrificed” by creating tens of thousands of jobs, equating job creation to the violent loss of a loved one, and to attack the family further on Twitter. I like a lot of what he said, he’s shaken the party up, but he owes Mr. Khan an apology.

Trump sent a tweet directed at Khan during the live interview.


With fewer than 100 days remaining to Election Day, this controversy will increase pressure upon Republican leaders and candidates to determine whether they will continue to support the GOP nominee. The campaign for Ryan, who holds a comfortable lead over Nehlen in voting projections, said in a statement, “Neither Speaker Ryan nor anyone on his team has ever asked for Donald Trump’s endorsement. Trump you are a disgrace!!!” “We are a testament to the goodness of this country”, he said.

Trump hit by backlash from families of fallen soldiers