
PlayStation 4 players gets to go inside “Inside” later this August

A new trailer confirms the welcoming news.


The news of Inside’s arrival on PlayStation 4 actually came a little earlier than the official announcement, but nonetheless, here we are with an official announcement! The game doesn’t appear to function any differently on the system (its simple two-button control scheme makes porting an easier process) but Inside is curiously absent from another Sony system: the PlayStation Vita.

If that name rings no bells, it’s a side-scrolling game from the studio that designed Limbo, another side-scrolling game from 2010.

In Gamer Professional’s review on Xbox One, Ben Eberle called Inside, “an expertly crafted puzzle-platformer, complimented by incredible atmosphere and a disturbingly freaky story”.


As someone who loved Limbo, I can’t wait to try Inside and see where Playdead takes us next. Feel free to read up on the game’s trophies, too. The side-scrolling platform adventure arrived only a month ago as an Xbox One exclusive, although it is now also available on PC.
