
Republican Business Mogul Meg Whitman Will Vote For Clinton

“Our volunteers and contributors are clearly committed to electing Donald J. Trump as President in November”, the Trump campaign’s finance chairman, Steven Mnuchin, said in a statement.


“He feels like a fool”, a Republican source familiar with the situation said of Priebus.

Trump “strongly encouraged me to endorse”, Pence said, awkwardly trying to bridge the gap on his own. Johnson was asked what it would take for him to no longer back Trump. One thing that is helping them is that most of Trump’s current controversies surround his personality, rather than his policies – making it easier for other Republicans to separate themselves from the real-estate mogul. “This just goes to show you how much support there is for Donald Trump from the ground”. The soldier’s father had criticized Trump at last week’s Democratic convention.

The Indiana governor told Fox News that it takes time to build relationships in politics and that was exactly what Trump and Ryan were doing.

Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson says Donald Trump should apologize for disparaging the bereaved parents of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, a Muslim who was awarded a Bronze Star after he was killed in 2004 in Iraq.

His ongoing feud with the family of an Iraq war veteran who was killed in combat has drawn condemnation from almost all corners.

Gingrich may join Priebus and another Trump ally, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, in specifically urging Trump to adjust his approach, according to the Republican official.

“I want everybody to be lifted up”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine brought their message of economic opportunity to Pittsburgh on Saturday as their post-convention bus tour swung through Pennsylvania on its way to Ohio.

“The candidate is in control of his campaign”, top Trump aide Paul Manafort said separately on Fox News.

“The campaign is in very good shape”.

“The campaign’s focused and the campaign is moving forward in a positive way”, Manafort told Fox.

In Daytona, Florida, Trump said the news media’s coverage of him was dishonest. He didn’t mention the spat with the Khans. The Trump campaign had no immediate comment on the report.

Both Clinton and Kaine slammed Trump for his products that are made overseas. His volatility – and wishful thinking on the part of some – forced party leaders to reckon with any possible turn of events, including Trump ending his candidacy.

Three prominent Republicans – including New York Congressman Richard Hanna – have said this week that they would vote for Mrs Clinton, saying Mr Trump was unfit to serve as president.


It has $74 million in cash on hand, the campaign said on its website Wednesday. Reince Preibus, chairperson of the Republican National Committee, is reportedly “apoplectic” over Trump’s refusal to endorse, and a number of insiders are evidently staging an intervention to get the billionaire’s campaign back on track. Additionally, more black Clinton supporters than white supporters said they had “a lot” of close friends who also supported Clinton, 59% to 33%. Along with his proposed ban on Muslims, his plans have included building a wall along the Mexican border to keep out illegal immigrants and renegotiating trade agreements.

Clinton extends lead over Trump to 8 percentage points in new Reuters  Ipsos poll