
Jared Leto Praises His Joker Predecessor, Heath Ledger

Maybe there’s a three hour cut of Suicide Squad in the works that will flesh out all of the plot holes, much like the Ultimate Edition of BvS. Warner Brothers ought to have pulled the reins back on how much they put Joker front and center, given he’s more a peripheral character.


Quinn is the girlfriend of The Joker (Jared Leto, giving an intense performance in an ancillary role).

“I don’t know if that’s offensive or not, but that’s my thought right now”, he continued. The tone is all over the place, thanks to an attempt at lightening things up after the dour BvS, there are plot holes galore, characters are introduced a couple of times.

“Suicide Squad” is the third DC movie released on the big screen, coming after “Man of Steel” and “Batman vs. Superman”. “Someone said it. I echoed”. Seriously, couldn’t we think of anything better than fighting an evil witch, Mummy-like character, who turns people into zombie-esque creatures? “It was kind of like a family of really demented brothers and sisters by the end of it”. At the Suicide Squad premiere, a fan in the crowd yelled out, “F– Marvel!” – which Ayer then echoed onstage in a speech.

Suicide Squad actress, Margot Robbie claims, Britain’s Royal Blood Prince Harry is very quick in texting, unlike the actress. Coldwater should petition critics to stop reviewing DC’s films if he doesn’t want bad review scores. He might be optimistically hopeful, or he might be referring to the dark (and widely-panned, but still box office-breaking) Batman vs Superman.

Whether this is all true is still unknown and only time will tell if Ayer or anyone else will come forward about the reported last-minute changes.

The reviews are in and DC Comics fans are refusing to believe the critics when it comes to the highly-anticipated movie, “Suicide Squad”.

But the petition received a heavy amount of backlash on social media as well.


I give Suicide Squad a “B” rating, nothing to write home about, but fun to watch. Sure. But so far, the company hasn’t made a single good superhero movie. He followed up the tweet with another, explaining what the film means to him.

Jared Leto, Margot Robbie & Will Smith Premiered 'Suicide Squad' in NYC