
Mike Pence splits with Trump over Paul Ryan endorsement

In a statement, Ryan’s campaign said: “Neither Speaker Ryan nor anyone on his team ever asked for Donald Trump‘s endorsement, and we are confident in a victory next week regardless”.


Trump’s campaign says it raised $80 million in July to support his bid as well as the Republican Party.

Pence said in a phone interview Wednesday with Fox News Channel that he’s pleased to endorse Ryan.

Although Clinton’s poll numbers are rising, the contest looks close; yet Trump’s campaign is a mess.

“Three times he asked about the use of nuclear one point he asked “if we have them, why can’t we use them”, Mr Scarborough said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Wednesday. Ryan has since endorsed the real estate mogul but has criticized some of his more inflammatory remarks.

Her defection comes amid deep concerns at the top of the Grand Old Party about Trump, after a seemingly never-ending stream of controversies that include the nominee urging Russian Federation to hack into Clinton’s emails.

Republicans reacted with dismay Wednesday as Donald Trump’s campaign descended into disarray.

Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway rejected notions of Trump dropping out of the race as “wishful thinking”. Priebus feels burned by Trump’s string of self-inflicted wounds and his refusal to observe basic decorum by giving Ryan his support.

“I just want to tell you, the campaign – it’s never been so well-united”, Trump told the crowd.

“Well, I thank you for the question”, he said.

The New York Times reported that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is actively courting Republicans-she had reached out to Whitman a month prior to her announcement this week. We have the evangelicals and people of religion.

“The campaign is in very good shape. We are organized. We are moving forward”, Manafort said.

Some Republicans have given up on their dreams of a post-primary “pivot”, and are ready to concede the White House and instead focus resources on saving their Senate majority as well as candidates down the ballot.

But the reports of a campaign in disarray have pro-Trump Republicans anxious.

Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus is among a handful of high-profile Republicans considering whether to confront Trump about his approach to his presidential campaign.

Johnson, who is running for re-election, has criticized Trump’s actions in a dispute with the family of slain U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, but continues to support him for president.

Trump’s comments echoed Ryan’s own in early May, when he hesitated to endorse Trump.

The dissent over the Trump campaign also took other turns.

On several occasions in the past week, the in governor has found himself in direct conflict with Trump, taking a different campaign tact or running damage control after one of the Republican presidential nominee’s incendiary remarks.

Trump made his declarations in an interview with The Washington Post in which he also lit into New Hampshire GOP Sen.

The dispute over Mr Trump’s treatment of the Khans was the latest rift in a party frayed by dissent over the candidate. He characterized Trump as “unfit to serve”.

Donald Trump may be unwilling to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan, but voters in Ryan’s southeast Wisconsin district are eager to embrace their congressman. Nehlen said on CNN’s “At This Hour”. With Donald Trump seemingly supporting his opponent quite publicly, Paul Ryan showed Trump how you handle a situation like a proper politician.

“I’m mostly concerned with the rumors coming out that Manafort has no operational control and that Trump is winging it”.


Nehlen has been running to the right of Ryan, targeting the speaker over issues like trade, Wall Street and immigration. “The only need we have for an intervention is maybe with some media types who keep saying things that aren’t true”.

Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence speaks at a campaign rally on Tuesday in Phoenix. Pence is breaking with Donald Trump the presidential nominee by endorsing House Speaker Paul Ryan in his primary fight