
Trump unfit to be president: Obama

Obama went to great pains to distinguish Trump from the two Republican opponents he faced in 2008 and 2012, whose differences with him were largely ideological and generational.


The officials, including one with direct knowledge of Priebus’ thinking, were granted anonymity to discuss internal strategy because they were not authorized to discuss the sensitive issue during one of the most tumultuous weeks of Trump’s presidential campaign. He waved a pocket U.S. Constitution and asked Trump whether he’s ever read the founding document. But there have been Republican presidents with whom I disagreed with, but I didn’t have a doubt they could function as president.

But he asked why they are still endorsing him.

‘What does this say about your party that this is your standard-bearer?’ “The fact that this has not happened makes these denunciations ring hollow”.

The relatives of a fallen soldier from Northern Indiana joined other Gold Star Families on Monday in demanding an apology from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for his comments about the Muslim parents of a slain American soldier.

The ad comes a day after Trump thanked Ryan’s primary challenger Paul Nehlen (KNEE-lin) in a tweet.

The primary is August 9.

Ryan’s ad, the third in his race against Nehlen, is titled “A Safe America”.

“I requested Sharon to introduce me, because I understood that our Gold Star families have made a sacrifice that most of us can’t even begin to imagine”.

One of the people said Trump privately blames his own staff for failing to quiet the backlash from his own party after he criticized an American Muslim family whose son, U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, was killed in Iraq.

Trump shrugs off Buffett’s challenge: Billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said at a Clinton rally Monday that Trump could meet up with him to show each other their tax returns, even though they’re both under audit, reports Politico.

Mr Trump questioned whether Ghazala Khan did not speak at the convention because she was prevented from doing so by her religion and he characterised Khizr Khan’s criticism of him as “vicious”. “Beat Crooked H!” – a reference to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

If Clinton wins, the inauguration will prompt “civil disobedience, not violence, but it will be a bloodbath”, he said in an interview with the conservative website Breitbart.

Tuesday, Donald Trump responded to US President Barack Hussein Obama’s attacks by describing as “a failed leader who along with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton created a foreign policy that has destabilized the world and made it an unsafe place”. About half of Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters (51%) say they are extremely or very enthusiastic about voting for president, compared with 41% among Republican and Republican-leaning voters. “He is unrepentant in all things”.

One of those Republicans came around to Clinton’s side Tuesday. He’s not seeking re-election. “She had nothing to say”.

The Democrat reported raising almost $90 million in July for her campaign and the Democratic Party, with more than half the donations coming from new donors. “And he keeps on proving it”, he added.

One-time Republican candidate for the governorship of California and current CEO of Hewlett Packard Meg Whitman yesterday endorsed Hillary Clinton for the office of the presidency.

“A couple of papers said ‘Donald Trump doesn’t realize Crimea was already taken, ‘” he said.

Another source close to the campaign expressed bewilderment over Trump’s fight with Ryan, saying Trump should focus on issues that actually matter to people. The morning after accepting the Republican nomination at the party’s convention, he re-opened months-old grievances with primary rival Ted Cruz.


Obama’s comments echoed the stinging rebuke he delivered last week in a prime-time address at the Democratic National Convention.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign town hall at Ocean Center in Daytona Beach Florida