
Muslim women shut down Donald Trump on social media with #CanYouHearUsNow

More than three-quarters of voters have heard about Donald Trump’s spat with Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the Muslim-Americans whose son died serving as an Army captain in Iraq.


At last week’s Democratic National Convention, Khizr Kahn lashed out at Trump, who has in the past called for a ban on Muslim immigration.

In recent weeks, Trump has picked a public fight with the family of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004. Rick Scott, who spoke at the Republican National Convention, is hosting events in the Panhandle including a meeting to discuss battling the Zika virus. In Reno a few hours later, Pence said that both he and Trump have stated that “Capt. Humayun Khan is an American hero”.

“How is that a far-fetched assumption”, Pierson said on CNN earlier Tuesday.

Attached to the email was a document listing talking points and quotes from Trump about the Khan family. Still, he said, he might still vote for the Republican nominee for president; such was his dislike of Hillary Clinton.

“We want to try and get several member statements out today on this, and would really appreciate your help”. “I showed the constitution only because I wanted to remind people that nobody could be discriminated against in the name of religion”, said Khizr.

John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of SC, have criticized Trump and said the comments didn’t reflect the views of the Republican Party.

The chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Tampa Bay has made it clear that he does not support Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

In an op-ed for the Washington Post, Ghazala Khan wrote that her husband asked her to speak at the convention, but it was too emotionally distressing for her.

“Donald Trump has every right to challenge Mr. Khan, because his personal agenda overruled his son being a warrior”, said Baldasaro, who advises Trump on veteran affairs. “Go look at the graves of fearless patriots who died defending the United States of America”, Khan said. Kelly Ayote, R-NH, who continues to say she will support Trump as the party’s nominee.

Trump has yet to apologize although his son, Eric Trump, said on CBS This Morning that the senior Trump had indeed apologized to the Khans and the Gold Star families.


“I’m still flabbergasted that the county Republicans would endorse Trump given his record of cheating businesses in Atlantic City”. Trump also said the country is under attack by radical Islam. My heart breaks for the Khan family.

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