
Father arrested in deaths of twin girls found in hot car

The Georgia father of 15-month-old twins who died after being left in a hot vehicle Thursday was arrested overnight, police said.


The children appeared to have been overheated, but police are still investigating the circumstances, Capt. Chris Dobbs of the Carrollton Police Department told BuzzFeed News. They say they’re basing the charges on witness statements.

The AJC is reporting that both children were pronounced dead after being found at 6:50 p.m.

Police attempted to revive the girls and cool them when they arrived on the scene.

Temperature observations at the Carrollton West Georgia Regional Airport in Carroll County ranged from 87 to 91 degrees Thursday afternoon, according to the National Weather Service. CNN notes that according to safety group, at least 24 children have died in hot cars in the USA so far this year, nearly double the number of hot vehicle deaths at this time last year.

“Only (their father) knows the answer about what happened today, but I hope and pray it was an accident”, family friend, Regina Cleveland, said.


Police said the mother was actually in Atlanta when her children died.

Hot car deaths GA