
Jeremy Corbyn would beat single Labour leadership challenger, poll finds

The leader also said he would offer “the hand of friendship” to Labour MPs if he wins the leadership election. This may be a necessary step, but it is far from sufficient.


Labour party leader Jeremy Corbynlistens during Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons, London.

The Bolton actress was unequivocal in her support of Mr Corbyn.

In the interview, Mr McGinn accused left-wing politicians of “sneering” at the public, adding that Labour is losing touch with the working classes.

But in an indication of the scale of division within the Labour ranks, a total of 162 of the party’s MPs – some 70% of its representation in the Commons – nominated Mr Smith for the leadership, along with half of Labour’s MEPs.

But Mr Owen will have the summer to persuade numerous 500,000 Labour members, as well as the 183,000 people who signed up this week as registered supporters and affiliated supporters in the unions, that the party would fare better under his leadership.

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell has previously said there was “no way” the review would be used to allow the new wave of Corbyn-supporting Labour members to deselect MPs.

Mr Corbyn’s critics said this amounted to a deselection threat – but the leader’s team said he had simply been setting out the existing rules. New members, however, won’t be able to cast their ballot, as eligible voters need to have been in the Labour Party since before January 12. Corbyn insisted that it is the “job, duty, and responsibility” of all Labour MPs to rally behind his leadership.

Conor McGinn, MP for St Helens North, said Mr Corbyn disapproved of comments made in an interview with PoliticsHome.

But she also picked up where Mr Cameron left off last week, laying into the opposition Labour Party, whose leader Jeremy Corbyn is locked in a bitter internal power struggle in which the only female candidate to replace him dropped out on Tuesday. The first report on the changes will be out in the autumn and they will be implemented in 2018.

The main confrontation between Mrs May and Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn proved a one-sided affair, with the Maidenhead MP batting away questions on commitments she has previously set out on social and economic reform.


“From a year ago when Labour was too cautious in criticizing cuts, now, I’m really hard-pressed to find even a Tory (Conservative) to defend it”, he said.

National News: Jeremy Corbyn would beat single Labour leadership challenger, poll finds