
Miami mosquitoes succumbing to aerial sprays — CDC director

The company says its records have identified more than 1,800 patients being treated by 94 providers at 24 different clients within the affected area who are potentially at risk.


“We don’t fully understand why the epidemic broke out where it did”.

“We expect a decision (from the FDA) any minute now”, McKemey said.

“Following today’s announcement, I have requested that the Centers for Disease Control activate their emergency response team to assist (the Department of Health) in their investigation, research and sample collection efforts”, Scott said.

According to the CDC, as of July 27 there were no locally acquired cases of the Zika virus in MA, and state and federal health officials are monitoring 52 cases where travelers have returned from areas where the virus has been detected.

Two babies have been born in California with microcephaly, a birth defect related to the Zika virus, state health officials announced Thursday.

There are no local transmissions reported in California so far. “This CDC funding provides real-time data about the Zika epidemic as it unfolds in the United States and territories and will help those most devastated by this virus”. She is an assistant professor of global health with Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta.

Adding to the confusion, most people who get Zika don’t even know they are sick, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have the virus, said Curry. If that Zika strain spreads to Africa, the population could be hit hard.

Late last week, Florida health officials confirmed that four people had contracted Zika from mosquitoes in the same 150-square-meter area. He didn’t give details about the nature of that small area. An outbreak that began in Brazil in 2015 has spread throughout the Americas.

Mosquito experts said at the very least, eliminate containers and breeding sites around the home. “That may have been the kindling that lit the fire”.

“Their infrastructure is such that they don’t have a sophisticated Department of Health, as you would find in some of the more developed countries. They don’t have the bandwidth or the resources to go on huge vector control projects”, Quigley said.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a historic warning Monday, asking people not to travel to an America neighborhood; advising pregnant women and their partners to avoid an area just north of Miami, Florida where the Zika virus is actively circulating.

Wynwood Yard closes temporarily due to Zika threat