
Clinton Fails to Reset Race in DNC Speech

“Well, all I can tell you is, we are the best-placed country in the world to seize the future”, she said in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, launching a three-day bus tour with her vice presidential running mate Tim Kaine in the swing states of Pennsylvania and Ohio.


“I think here at the convention, it’s been exacerbated by the way they are treating people”, she said.

Calling former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg “little”, Trump said Bloomberg, a fellow billionaire, didn’t “have the guts” for a presidential run and “knows nothing about me”.

She acknowledged the history-making reality of her nomination: For the first time, a major US political party has nominated a woman for president.

She also lambasted Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, saying he’s offering only empty promises and accusing him of insulting women and people with disabilities. “Powerful forces are threatening to pull us apart”, said Clinton, a former secretary of state. “That’s why when there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit”, the 68-year-old Clinton said in a speech that capped the four-day nominating convention.

As most Democrats rally around Hillary Clinton, the lingering “Bernie or Bust” movement is stirring frustration at the party’s convention among delegates of color, who say they’re upset at the refusal of the Vermont senator’s most fervent backers to fall in line.

President Barack Obama congratulated Clinton at the conclusion of her speech. Meanwhile, the Democrats actually had slightly more viewers for the first night of its convention than it did for the nominee’s speech, typically the highest-rated night of convention coverage. “Hillary!” by her supporters.

In a tweet Friday morning, Trump wrote: “Crooked Hillary Clinton made up facts about me and “forgot” to mention the many problems of our country in her very average scream!”

He said Clinton “can’t hide” from her 25 years in public life.

Clinton’s proposals are an extension of President Obama’s two terms in office: tackling climate change, overhauling the nation’s fractured immigration laws, and restricting access to guns.

Seeking to offset possible weariness with a politician who has been in the spotlight for decades, he said of Clinton: “She’s been there for us, even if we haven’t always noticed”.

Clinton sought to reach beyond the Democratic base, particularly to moderate Republicans unnerved by Trump. My family were builders of a different kind, ” she sneered in one of several jibes, asking since Trump “talks a big game about putting America First, ” why his suits are made in Mexico, his ties made in China, his furniture in Turkey, and his picture frames in India”.


“Right now, an terrible lot of people feel there is less and less respect for the work they do”, she said, and admitted that politicians had not done a good enough job of showing they understand.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. REUTERS