
Jared Leto Looked to David Bowie for His Joker Inspiration

Brian Truitt, however, liked it. “Suicide Squad is an excellently quirky, proudly raised middle finger to the staid superhero-movie establishment” with “shades of Guardians of the Galaxy and the original Ghostbusters”, he writes at USA Today.


Will Smith, who plays Deadshot, commended director David Ayer for “what he did, what he was able to create, how he was able to take this DC [Comics] world and bend it into a really different thing”.

And just in case you haven’t seen superbly soundtracked trailer yet (what the heck have you been doing?), check it out below…

She’s this summer’s reigning screen queen having already starred in The Legend of Tarzan and on everyone’s radar for her much-anticipated turn in Warner Bros. She has held her own against numerous top names in Hollywood and is now making her own definitive mark in the film industry.

Now that critics and actors have given their views, guess the only way to find out if Suicide Squad deserves the hype, is by heading to the cinema.

But if you have never heard of this group of characters, I don’t think this movie will get you committed – unless, like me, you’re a Viola Davis fan. In some comic books she’s wearing more of like a corset and mini-shorts, and in some she’s wearing the full jester outfit.

“We really watched something grow and build and it was like, you know, we knew we had to”. But that begs the question: how can the government control the “Suicide Squad”?

This movie isn’t ideal, but it’s a wonderful film.


Thnk U 2 ON businesses who contributed 2 our “behind the scenes” look @SuicideSquadWB – U make movie magic happen! If reviews of the movie don’t tell the whole story, this certainly will: the movie now has a lower score on Rotten Tomatoes than its near-universally loathed predecessor, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. “And I think you could say the same for minorities”. I don’t think that it would ever really be gone. The movie contains a massive amount of gun violence, bad language, and all other sorts of bad-guy antics that the China Film Co. would likely deem unsuitable for Chinese audiences.

Cover of the first trade collection of the 1980s comics series Suicide Squad