
Hillary Clinton: Some Donald Trump Supporters Are ‘Xenophobic,’ ‘Racist,’ and ‘Misogynistic’

Donald Trump has officially thrown his support to House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is competing in a Tuesday primary in Wisconsin, ending an extraordinary four-day standoff between party leaders.


“I’m not going to go into the hypothetical”, Ryan said, repeating that his endorsement of Trump is not a “blank check.” Ryan says he wishes it weren’t necessary but “that’s just the way the cookie crumbles”. John McCain and New Hampshire Sen.

Yet McCain has stuck by his support for Trump and reiterated it to reporters this week.

Among those on the team are John Paulson, a hedge fund billionaire; Dan Kowalski, a former staffer on the Senate Budget Committee; and Steven Mnuchin, a NY investor who is Trump’s national finance chairman.

At events in Des Moines, Iowa, and Green Bay, Trump showed discipline that is unusual at his often free-wheeling rallies, calling Clinton the “queen of corruption” and defending himself against her charge that he is temperamentally unfit for the White House.

Observers and analysts have said Trump is losing ground due to a number of factors, but probably none more than his unflinching campaign rhetoric. Ryan is expected to win, but Nehlen has tried to make an issue of what he calls Ryan’s “repeated betrayal” of his party’s presidential nominee.

“My 80% friend is not my 20% enemy”, Trump said, quoting President Ronald Reagan.

Vulnerable Senate Republicans were forced to scramble to answer for his critiques and controversies as he faced heavy blowback for his criticism of the family of a Muslim U.S. Soldier who died a war hero, and many Republicans openly wondered whether Trump wanted to torpedo his own party. Neither candidate gains a majority in any income bracket, and Trump only has an eight-point lead in the middle-class demo.

Pence did his best to turn the awkward moment into “kids say the darndest things”-style amusement”.

Trump actually hasn’t been doing so well in a lot of recent polls.

The Donald Trump show has been playing a back-to-back marathon all week, and to a great degree it has been to Hillary Clinton’s benefit. “We are Ryan Republicans here in Wisconsin, not Trump Republicans”.

Trump’s troubles started with his reaction to the Democratic National Convention and, in typical Trump fashion, they began with a tweet. “So you know I’m just going to rise above this stuff, and I’m not going to get involved in some sort of petty back and forth, I see no objective in doing that”.


Following the speech of Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala at the DNC convention, the Republican nominee took to social media to challenge the Gold Star parents, whose son, Army Captain Humayun Khan, died in the line of duty in Iraq.

Protesters holding up copies of the Constitution are escorted out of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's speech at the Merrill Auditorium in Portland Maine