
Trump faces divided party in Midwestern battlegrounds

But then, Trump pointed out that he owes his success to his ability to put together “a really fantastic team” and stressed that he would need a Republican House and Senate to accomplish his agenda as president. A CNN/ORC poll this week showed Clinton with a similar 9-point edge over Trump nationally.


Somali residents of ME say Donald Trump’s characterization of their community as risky is unfair and could undo years of work to integrate the country’s whitest state.

On Tuesday Obama questioned why leading Republicans have not withdrawn their support for their presidential nominee.

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), who faces a tough race in Pennsylvania, indicated Friday that he is still “watching and waiting” on if he will ultimately support Trump.

“It’s so sad, so disgusting”, Trump said of the payment. “Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, a state I truly love, primarily because that was my first victory”, he said.

Libertarian Gary Johnson is making inroads in his support among millennials and is increasingly close to getting on the national debate stage alongside Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

There is mounting pressure on Donald Trump to regain his footing in the race and fix some of the damage he has sustained in swing states.

The U.S. presidential election, starring Donald Trump and a growing cast of antagonists, is now officially stranger than fiction, and more estranged from reality than the most implausible reality TV plot. “But since the convention, his lack of judgment has got to concern even the most ardent Trump supporters”.

“Mike Pence is a good Republican but unfortunately he will be associated with the controversies that have ensnared the Trump-Pence ticket and will be tied to whatever the consequences of this election are”, Williams said.

But that’s not likely to happen among S.C. Republicans, although some are leaning toward voting for Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson.

“Sometimes, he has a tendency to speak before he thinks”, said Steve Coleman, 61, a conservative from West Columbia. The Indiana governor said he had discussed his support of Ryan with Trump earlier in the day and that his running mate encouraged him to endorse the House speaker.

Addressing Maine voters later in the day, Mr. Trump was repeatedly interrupted by protesters, including some who were ejected after waving copies of the U.S. Constitution in the air – a reminder of Mr. Trump’s criticism of Khan’s father, who waved his own copy of the Constitution as he criticized Mr. Trump at last week’s Democratic National Convention. “Go ahead and do it, 100 percent, ‘” Trump recalled of his conversation the day before, interrupting his audience when they began to boo Ryan. “He’s irremediable”, said Republican strategist Rick Tyler, who previously worked for Trump adversary Texas Sen.

According to AP, Mr Priebus has already spoken to Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and to the Trump children, who are believed to agree that the nominee needs to stop picking fights within his own party and to take a step back from his criticism over the past few days of the Khans, the parents of Muslim American veteran Captain Humayun Khan.

Specifically, they contended that Mrs. Clinton was responsible for negotiations that led to a $400 million USA payment to Iran earlier in the year. “Before you start assuming that polls are particularly predictive”, he said.

At a rally in Portland, Maine, on Thursday, Trump kept his attention on trying to undermine Clinton’s candidacy. That means that, in order to embarrass us further, Iran sent us the tapes, right? This news story is related to Latest/140324-Amid-campaign-turmoil-Trump-allies-urge-him-to-get-back-on-track/ – breaking news, latest news, pakistan ne. He has also has refused to rule out using nuclear weapons in Europe or against extremists such as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, saying he does not want to take any cards off the table.


A Fox News poll released Wednesday showed Trump down by ten points in a head-to-head matchup with Clinton nationwide.

Pence admits he has 'different style' than Trump