
15-Month-Old Twin Girls Die After Being Left In Hot Car

Police questioned Asa North on Thursday night before arresting him early Friday.


The deaths of the twins make 26 children who’ve died in hot cars so far this year in the U.S. In 2015, 24 children died.

The father of twin 15-month-old girls is facing involuntary manslaughter charges after the girls were left in a hot auto and died, police said.

North told police he had been drinking, and also said the twins had not been in the SUV for very long, according to a police report and Dobbs.

A tragedy unfolded in Carrollton, Ga. following the deaths of 16-month-old twin daughters.

When officers arrived on the scene, neighbors were holding the twin girls in a pool.

The two 15-month-olds were unresponsive after when neighbors found them still strapped in their carseats in an SUV outside a duplex in Carrollton Thursday evening, according to WXIA-TV.

They were pronounced dead at Tanner Medical Center.

The twins’ mother, Breal Ellis, was at an Atlanta hospital Thursday visiting with her sister, who was injured in a vehicle accident and was having surgery.

The high temperature on Thursday in Carrollton was 87 degrees, but it doesn’t have to reach unsafe levels outside to become a threat to people and animals left in a vehicle. The twin victims were identified as Ariela and Alaynah North.

Asa North, 24, is being held without bond on two counts of involuntary manslaughter and two counts of reckless conduct, according to Carroll County Jail records. Their father, along with neighbors, had placed the siblings in an inflatable kiddie pool with shallow water, surrounded by ice packs.

“I’ve heard of children being left in a auto, but I never thought it would be on my doorstep”, said Arthur North.

“What we believe is the father had left the children unattended in a vehicle for a certain amount of time”. A neighbor provided assistance by offering ice packs. The children’s mother was out of town at the time and left the kids in the care of their father.

It was not immediately known if North had a lawyer.


On a national average, 37 children die from heat-related deaths after being trapped inside hot cars.

Georgia father arrested after twin girls die in hot car