
Pope’s Comments on Gender Identity ‘Surprise’ Critics

Francis lamented during his remarks that the current culture is experiencing the “annihilation of man as image of God”.


The Pope’s thoughts on teaching children about trans issues have been revealed after a transcript of a private meeting was released by the Vatican, according to the New York Times.

Zagano says there are several popes in the Middle Ages who wrote to bishops giving them the authority to ordain women as deacons.

The Pope argued “idealogical colonization” was financed by “very influential countries”.

In April of previous year at a general audience in Rome, the Pope said, “I wonder if so-called gender theory may not also be an expression of frustration and resignation that aims to erase sexual differentiation because it no longer knows how to come to terms with it”.

He also called listeners to “think about what Pope Benedict said – ‘It’s the epoch of sin against God the creator'”.

Pope Francis created a commission to study the historical role of women Deacons in the Catholic Church and after a blessing from the pope, a group is looking at changing some of those rules. Eliel Criz, the executive director for Faith in America, said, “In believing that God is only represented in male or female, Pope Francis is effectively eliminating the diversity and complexity of the image of God”.

Among commission members are Marianne Schlosser, professor of spiritual theology at the University of Vienna, and Phyllis Zagano, a professor of religion at Hofstra University in NY and author of the book “Women Deacons: Past, Present, Future”. And if that’s the case, thank you.

Vatican City – Pope Francis on Wednesday urged athletes heading to the Rio Olympics to fight the “good fight”, aiming not for medals but solidarity in a world “sick with cruelty”. But for all his (relatively) progressive views on the gays, when it comes to the transgender community, Francis likes to kick it old school. The “exploitation of creation and the exploitation of people” is a “global problem”, he argued.


In his April letter on marriage and the family, Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”), Francis reinforced the idea that sex education should teach “respect and appreciation” for sexual differences, as thinking that we enjoy “absolute power over our own bodies” leads to the delusion that “we enjoy absolute power over creation”.
