
Latest poll numbers for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Sifting through the Facebook comments our station gets on Donald Trump campaign stories further complicates the question of whether voters actually care about the GOP’s divide.


A prominent Republican activist and fundraiser, Meg Whitman has declared support for the Democrat Hillary Clinton to become the first female President of the United States America, a move described by political watchers as a huge loss to Donald Trump and his party.

On Wednesday the Democratic nominee toured the Knotty Tie Denver, Colo., and invited her Republican rival to do the same to see where he might transfer some of his business. A troubling trend for Republicans is the flatness of Trump’s support.

The inner tension comes as Priebus and handful of high-profile Trump allies consider whether to confront the candidate directly to encourage a new approach following a series of startling stances and statements.

He has a new op-ed in the LA Times today literally titled “Bernie Sanders: I support Hillary Clinton”.

Worse for Trump, the latest IBD/TIPP Poll also finds that President Obama’s approval ratings continue to climb, making it harder for Trump to convince the public that a dramatic change in leadership is needed.

He also refused to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator John McCain, and suggested that the general election could be “rigged”.

“I think that’s probably right”, he acknowledged. And despite the fact that much of the Republican convention was spent attacking Clinton’s honesty and trustworthiness, her ratings – as well as Trump’s – are unchanged from last month.

Hillary Clinton was more trusted than Trump to make a decision on using nuclear weapons, to look out for them during tough economic times, to nominate the next Supreme Court justice, and to protect the Constitution.

And then she paused, grinned, and added: “I do want to say that I really like fire marshals”.

The internal tension is complicated by Trump’s frequent travels without his senior advisers and his adult children, who wield significant influence in the campaign, the people close to the campaign said.

Paul Manafort acknowledged “a conflict within the Trump campaign” after vice presidential candidate Mike Pence endorsed Ryan a day after Trump declined to do so.


48% say the economy is improving, up from 45% last month.

A Kid at Donald Trump Rally Yells of Hillary Clinton “Take That B*tch Down!”