
Trump camp: Clinton speech “fantasy universe”

Donald Trump says he wants to make America great again”, she said in a reference to his signature line.


Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event on July 28, 2016 in Davenport, Iowa.

This was arguably the most important speech of Clinton’s political career.

Some Sanders delegates sat quietly throughout the speech. With Sanders watching from the arena, Clinton told his supporters, “I’ve heard you”.

But not even a slight faux pas by her husband could spoil Hillary’s big moment. For all Americans together.

Kaine said “there’s still an bad lot of fix work” to be done on the economy, particularly with regard to job creation, but he insisted, “We don’t have a single issue in this country that we can’t tackle”.

In a direct attack on her rival’s business record, she pointed to contractors who had allegedly lost out when a Trump development was not completed and to a series of Trump products which were not made in the U.S. but elsewhere. “Someday – and I think it’s not going to be in the very distant future – you will absolutely have a woman be president and I look forward to that”. “We’re not”, she proclaimed.

On Thursday night, Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accepted her party’s nomination.

Just over 3 million people watched Clinton on Fox.

Imagine him in the Oval Office facing a real crisis.

“A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons,”she declared”. “We must seize this moment to elect Hillary Clinton as president of the United States of America”.

Other speeches sought to highlight a more personal side of Clinton.

Clinton was joined on stage at the end of the night by her running mate, Virginia Sen. “But as Hillary Clinton says, “it takes a village” – businesses, government, nonprofits – working together to create opportunity”, he said. Meanwhile, the Democrats actually had slightly more viewers for the first night of its convention than it did for the nominee’s speech, typically the highest-rated night of convention coverage.

Earlier in the closing programme, Humayun Khan’s father, Khizr Khan, was one of the speakers. “Have you read the Constitution?”

Khizr Khan, an American Muslim whose son was killed in military service, emotionally implored voters to stop Trump, who has called for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration. “You have sacrificed nothing”.

“Hillary Clinton’s speech was an insulting collection of cliches and recycled rhetoric”. It certainly did nothing to excite Republicans, and it failed to convert Hillary haters to her campaign.

In Colorado Springs, Trump at times seemed to brush off the fierce convention-week Democratic criticism, which went so far as to question his sanity.


This time, she went after his propensity to refuse to pay his bills and for exporting Trump-label merchandise to other countries.

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