
Trump fears US presidential polls going to be ‘rigged’

Trump has brushed off Democratic charges that Putin could be behind the hack in order to tip the USA election in his favor, claiming he’s never met the Russian leader and doesn’t maintain a relationship with him.


US President Obama said today slammed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying he is “unfit to serve as president” as he does not abide by norms and rules.

“This was much easier”, Trump said after receiving a copy of a Purple Heart from a veteran Monday.

Trump is holding a Monday campaign event in Columbus, Ohio, and he took time off from trashing the media and the local fire marshal to talk about Bernie Sanders.

Now, Trump’s son Eric has gone on television and actually said that his father has been “attacked viciously”.

The irony, of course, is that Mr Obama’s remarks likely make it more hard for the party’s top men to renounce their standard-bearer, lest they appear to be caving to their Democratic nemesis.

“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged”, the Republican nominee told a town hall crowd in Columbus.

His comments drew wide condemnation from fellow Republicans, including Arizona Sen.

During last week’s Democratic National Convention, dozens of speakers took to the stage in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to make the case for why #Hillary Clinton should be the next President of the United States. She said she is still too grief-stricken by her son’s death.

The GOP lawmakers called Capt. Humayun Khan, killed by a suicide bomber in 2004 as he tried to save other troops, “an American hero” but were careful not to condemn Trump for ramping up his feud with the slain soldier’s parents, Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

Several prominent Republicans have refused to endorse Trump, and some have voiced support for Hillary Clinton. In an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos on Saturday, Trump wondered whether Ghazala Khan, who stood solemnly next to her husband Khizr as he delivered what has been widely hailed as the most moving speech at the DNC, had been silenced by the Islamic patriarchy.

Garrett, an Army veteran, said he honored Khan’s sacrifice, but did not directly address Trump’s dispute with the family.

A Fox News report stated that Trump listed flaws in Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s conduct while in office. “I said so last week and he keeps on proving it”, Mr. Obama said. “We honor him and his family… we cherish his family”.

Obama said in addition to his comments about the Khan family, Trump’s recent statements about Russian Federation and Ukraine also prove he is “unfit” to be president.


“Go look at the graves of fearless patriots who died defending the United States of America”, he continued.

Captain Humayun Khan               Khizr Khan  Democratic National Convention