
Tim Cook Invests in Water-Efficient Shower Head Startup Nebia

Nebia said its shower head, which looks like a circular street lamp hanging from the base of an aluminum iMac, reduced water consumption by as much as 70 percent. It doesn’t hurt that investors like Tim Cook and Wendy Schmidt, wife of Google billionaire Eric Schmidt, are throwing their support behind the conservation-minded Nebia design. (While a normal shower requires 20 gallons of water, Nebia says it only uses six gallons.).


The product uses nozzles to break water up into tiny droplets, which increases the surface area of where the spray can go. “More water comes in contact with your body leaving your skin feeling clean and hydrated”. “Get excited!”

Philip Winter, Nebia’s cofounder and CEO, repeatedly declined to provide details on Cook’s involvement at this point.

Nebia is now testing out its shower heads at the campuses of both Apple and Google, and has just launched a Kickstarter campaign to help ship an initial batch to the public. Apple confirmed to The Times that Cook invested, but made clear that it was done on a personal basis, not through Apple.

Michael Birch also invested. California is now in the middle of a drought. And giving money to organisations and companies that could change the world has long been a favourite strategy of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who regularly engages in philanthropic work.


Now it’s an interesting piece of technology and so far it has managed to exceed its funding goal of $100,000, but if you’d like to contribute to it, hit up its Kickstarter page where a pledge of $269 will nab you the Nebia shower system upon its successful production.

Tim Cook and Eric Schmidt have invested in a startup that makes shower heads