
Twitter Sees Red After Trump Flaunts Purple Heart

“A man came up to me and handed his Purple Heart”, explained Trump. “He said that’s my real Purple Heart – I have such confidence in you”. I can’t imagine anyone actually “wanting” to get the Purple Heart, considering that one must be wounded (or killed) while serving in order to for it to be awarded.


Loudon also took umbrage with Trump’s attacks against Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a Muslim Army captain who died in Iraq. “I’ve always wanted to get the real Purple Heart.’ This was much easier”, Trump added. Trump didn’t. Instead, he riffed about a Purple Heart he received from a supporter during a rally in Ashburn, Virginia.

Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth (D-Illinois), who lost both of her legs while serving in Iraq, responded to Trump’s remark in a tweet.

“You have sacrificed nothing and no one”, he said, addressing Trump while holding pocket-sized version of the US Constitution.

According to Trump, retired Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman presented the medal to him because the veteran is a strong backer of his campaign. “It’s no surprise Donald Trump accepted a Purple Heart the ‘easier” way today because that’s the story of his life. Therefore, he was never required to be drafted during the Vietnam War.

“Something very nice just happened to me”.

Trump received four draft deferments for education and one for a medical injury.

Sure McCain and other Republicans still endorse Trump, but take heart: By a delicious irony, reports suggest the Purple Heart given to Trump was, like all things Trump, a fake.

In response, Trump said he “made a lot of sacrifices”, citing the numerous “great structures” he built.

Humayun Khan, 27, was killed in a 2004 vehicle bombing attack in Iraq and was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. Loudoun School Board Member Joy Maloney was charged with trespassing after the Sheriff’s deputies said she cut in line and then refused to leave.

Later during the rally, Trump claimed that 20 people have given Hillary Clinton a total of $60 million and he would like to know who those people are.


“Donald trump can not, can not be President of the United States”, she said.

Rep. Tammy Duckworth with her Purple Medal given to her after her service in Iraq