
Cara Delevingne Talks Teenage Depression and Why She Cries ‘Every Day’

At present time, Metacritic rates the film at 41%, while Rotten Tomatoes, claims that only 26% of reviews have been positive (the site is still up, so clearly the fan petition to shut it down has not yet succeeded).


Cara Delevingne, who portrays the character of Enchantress in the Suicide Squad movie, feels that the critics have been truly horrific when it comes to their thoughts on the film.

Reception aside, I know that I still can’t wait to see Suicide Squad for myself. There is now an ongoing petition shut down the site that fans believe to have a bias towards Marvel movies as opposed to the ones from DC.

Many critics have panned the film, with Richard Lawson of Vanity Fair calling it “too shoddy and forgettable to even register as revolting”. With the response being mixed at best, the movie now is at a positive rating of 30 percent over on Rotten Tomatoes.

Suicide Squad’s Deadshot, played by Will Smith, is going to wait to really worry until the fans get a chance to see the film.

Ayer added, “I made the movie for real people who live in the real world”.

A poster calling himself Abdullah Coldwater of Alexandria, Egypt, started the campaign accusing the site of giving “unjust bad reviews… and that affects people’s opinion even if it’s a really great (movie)”.

The Suicide Squad star covers the September issue of ELLE magazine, where she reveals why she made a decision to open up about her personal struggles with mental illness on social media in April. “I didn’t mean it to be taken that serious”, Saleh said.


Guardians used that strong Thursday as a launching pad for a $94.3 million opening weekend, but the current estimates show Squad surpassing that for an opening weekend figure of somewhere between $125 and $145 million.

Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn and Jared Leto as The Joker in'Suicide Squad. Clay Enos Warner Bros