
Kendrick Lamar Is Stephen Colbert’s First ‘Late Show’ Musical Guest

He answered every question forthrightly, with humor, humility, and a complete lack of snark.


For the moment, “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” remains a work in progress.

“I want to do Donald Trump so badly”. He confronted the reporters when they asked him that whether he was scared of Trump’s victory. And he found ways to get zings and quips into just about every response. “And that’s not an opinion of Trump. That’s an opinion on our nation”, he said. And is he horrified by such a notion?

“Whenever I did interviews there”, he said, “I always had to filter my responses through the maze in my head of how my character would react”.

“The idea of war between hosts makes no sense to me”, he insisted. “It’s not like my success takes away from anyone else”. “Fighting between the hosts doesn’t sound amusing”.

They are concerned about long-term threats to the water supply even though EPA officials say there is no leading edge of contamination visible in downstream sections of the San Juan River or Lake Powell. Competition isn’t that fun to me.

“All I really want from a guest is someone who has something to say so I can play with them”, he told reporters of his upcoming show, which premieres September 8 on CBS. “It’s going to be Stephen Colbert”, said Tassler.

He insisted the broadcast network, which traditionally is far more cautious than his former employers at Comedy Central, is giving him creative freedom. “I’m… twitching”, he said.

“Excuse me, I am simply getting a bit of emotional”.

Actually, that came as a result of Colbert hanging out with Letterman on set one day before Letterman retired. Not only that, but the same goes for who could be appearing on it. “Made him cry!” I said, ‘One last thing. “I always approach these things as a fan myself and I always love when there’s a bigger universe at work, but at the same time these shows really have to function on their own”. And then he said, ‘There. He couldn’t have been more gracious.

“Sometimes people you don’t expect will surprise you”, he says. But, Donald Trump’s participation has definitely upped the ante for the new late-night host. “I think we have phenomenal performances, great writing, great directing”, she said. “I double dog dare you”.

“Dave was everything to us”, Colbert said, according to People. “I find it a very intimate space now because we’re acknowledging we’re in a theater together”. I could spent a few years on stage with this guy.

CBS has asked nothing of me other to fill an hour, Monday through Friday”, he said.


Colbert, 51, takes over the seat occupied for more than two decades by David Letterman on September 8.

PressTour: Stephen Colbert eager to get on CBS