
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance patched on PC, DLC coming for free

Last week we reported the newly released Steam versions of Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 were poorly ported and missing DLC. The console versions, while perhaps unremarkable, have not attracted significant attention.


Given these problems and the lack of many graphic settings, it’s no surprise that PC players were particularly angry with the releases. The most egregious problem of all is that PC players couldn’t remap their controls, but that, among a few other issues (crackling audio, multiplayer invites, and UI problems) have been addressed with a patch yesterday. But Activision doesn’t plan to abandon the port now that it’s out in the wild.

In addition to this, Activision announced that all the DLC for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 will be arriving for free to those who purchased either the game standalone or with the bundle that includes the first Ultimate Alliance. Given that there was little to no fanfare before they were put on digital shelves, it’s confusing that Activision would not have delayed their release altogether.

“We’re focused on identifying and fixing the issues that have been occurring”, it added, though it did not specify what issues it was referring to.


In addition to that, the game’s DLC will be made free for players on all platforms, and it should be coming in a free update pretty soon.
