
Former Ohio Congressman Steve LaTourette dies at age 62

LaTourette, 62, represented Ohio’s 14 Congressional District, including all of Lake, Geauga and Ashtabula Counties, for 18 years from 1995 to 1013.


Cleveland Congresswoman Marcia Fudge – who chaired the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia last week – said in a statement that LaTourette was a friend “whose wit, common-sense approach, and good nature have left a mark on our state and nation”. “Whether it was leading the effort to save our local auto dealership, securing federal funds for Seasons Road and our safety forces, or sponsoring the bill to rename the Stow post office after Cpl”. Though he voted against same-sex marriage legislation early in his congressional career, LaTourette in 2015 signed a legal brief urging the Supreme Court to make it legal. He stressed you had to put politics aside.

“Steve was also respected by members of both parties and worked with legislators from both sides of the aisle to get things done”. I spoke with him on March 10, 2014.

“Obviously, they are big shoes to fill”, Joyce said.

U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, a Democrat, called LaTourette “a dear friend”.

“Another one of the good guys is gone too soon”. Louis Stokes, D-Ohio, and Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio. “We need more people like Steve LaTourette in public service”, the Ohio Republican Party said in a statement. He was a real workhorse who understood his district and worked hand in hand with local leaders to bring jobs to the area. “We’re in the East Room here, and down the hall is the Dining Room, and we’ve set up a nice buffet for you, and the Dining Room is where the British in 1814 sort of piled stuff up and set the place on fire”, he recalled Clinton saying. From the sidelines, his denouncements became more forceful.

Coulson knew LaTourette for decades.

The many personal, professional and political memories Collins has with LaTourette have been flowing nonstop since his passing. I got to enjoy talking with him, and I will miss him.

When Mr. LaTourette was first elected, he hired humor columnist Dave Barry as a spokesman.

“He was just a people person and he would do anything for you”. “What drove me out the door was that people basically want to fight about everything”.

“It’s been my experience that compromise, cooperation, getting something done, is not rewarded”, LaTourette said. “You have a responsibility to govern the country”.


Dino Disanto, LaTourette’s former chief of staff, says LaTourette died Wednesday night surrounded by his family at his home in McLean, Virginia. “Andrea & I extend our deepest sympathies to his wonderful wife Jennifer & his children”, he tweeted.

Former Congressman Steve LaTourette dies of pancreatic cancer