
Sasha Obama Scores Summer Job at Martha’s Vineyard

“She’s been working downstairs at takeout”, a server at the busy island eatery told the Boston Herald.


It appears that the teenager may only be working shifts during the week, as she was also seen at Lollapolooza, a music festival in her hometown of Chicago, over the weekend with big sis Malia. So while working a register may not be the most exhilarating summer job, at least it’s a familiar place for Sasha – and not to mention, it probably has some pretty delicious food! Sasha – who’s been working a four-hour shift before the restaurant opens for lunch – is reportedly only working there until Saturday, when her parents arrive for their two-week vacation.

Order’s up! President Barack Obama’s youngest daughter, Sasha, has scored a totally normal summer job.

Reportedly, the joint is Obamas’ favourite and they don’t forget to stop by during their annual vacation to Martha’s Vineyard. The owner of the restaurant, Joe Moujabber and his family are friends with the first family, Vanity Fair reports. Just like Sasha, big sister Sasha Obama got a summer job previous year.

In addition to working the takeaway counter, Sasha’s other duties include waiting on tables and prepping the restaurant for the lunchtime crowds.

The six people were, of course, Secret Service agents. She’s taking a gap year before attending Harvard University in 2017.

First Lady Michelle explained how important it was to the family to keep their girls grounded during an “armchair conversation” with Oprah.

In an interview with Oprah in June, the former-lawyer said: “So you remember Malia and Sasha were little itty-bitties when we came into office”.

That would the Secret Service. I’m going to start dancing, ‘ and it’s ‘No, mom.


The photos showed that Sasha wants to experience what many American youths do during summer – that is earn some money on the side, while enjoying.

Sasha Obama daughter of President Barack Obama departs Nancy's Restaurant after working her shift there in Oak Bluffs Mass. on the island of Martha's Vineyard