
Officers recommend Dennis Rodman be charged with hit-and-run

Dennis Rodman was named a person of interest in a hit-and-run investigation last month, and the former National Basketball Association star could be heading toward charges if the reports about his involvement in the crash are accurate.


Officer Florentino Olivera told The Orange County Register on Thursday that the agency recommended that prosecutors charge Rodman with felony hit-and-run and driving the wrong way on a freeway.

“Life is good, that’s why I’ve never been charged”, Rodman told The Associated Press in Atlantic City, New Jersey, where he made a surprise appearance to give out his children’s books at a boys and girls club.

Rodman says nothing happened, there was no wreck and there were no injuries.

Susan Kang-Schroeder, chief of staff at the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, said the matter is being reviewed and no charges have been filed.

The driver and his passenger got out of the BMW and then saw the Land Rover’s driver – who they claim they recognized as Rodman – make a U-turn and return southbound in their direction, Olivera said.

Officials say the driver of a BMW swerved to avoid a head-on collision and hit the center divider.

Rodman’s marketing agent did not return a call seeking comment.

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Dennis Rodman in a suit that's possibly from the late 60s