
Hillary gains 10-point lead over Trump

“I wish Donald Trump could meet with all of you and see what you are making here”, Clinton told the workers.


Trump won the GOP presidential nomination on the basis of his series of overwhelming primary victories.

Clinton gained 5 points since the last Fox News poll in late June, likely a bump from the Philadelphia convention last week.

CEO Meg Whitman has abandoned her Republican roots to campaign against Donald Trump in the election.

Does Trump have the right kind of experience to be president?

Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence has tried to focus on winning over conservatives who are skeptical of the NY billionaire, but his new boss keeps getting in the way.

Donald Trump’s campaign chairman is playing down a rift between the Republican nominee and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine says “a profound distance” has grown between law enforcement and communities in many parts of America, and that distance is unsafe.

Why not just stay home on election day?

Clinton touted a new website set up by her campaign that provides information on places in the United States that are making ties, suits, furniture and barware.

Even his campaign hats, which say they are “Made in the U.S.”, are not entirely made domestically, according to an Associated Press analysis.

In an interview later with Florida’s WPEC-TV, Trump was asked if he was being “baited into battles”. Ted Cruz for President after leaving the race herself, has focused on a continued anti-Hillary Clinton mantra.

Hanna added, “I think Trump is a national embarrassment”.

Specifically, they contended that Clinton was responsible for negotiations that led to a $400 million US payment to Iran earlier in the year. A former finance co-chair of Chris Christie’s failed Presidential campaign, she blasted the New Jersey Governor when he endorsed Trump, and told the Times she has not spoken to him since.

Trump blamed the media – “so dishonest” – for growing criticism of his recent statements and his unwillingness to accept guidance from senior advisers.

Privately, however, Trump has concerns about his own team. I urge all Republicans to reject Donald Trump this November.


The ad is running in nine battleground states. John McCain, saying he held the senator “in the highest esteem. for his service to our country in uniform and in public office”.

Ron Sachs  ZUMA Press  Newscom