
Ivan Scott shears a world record breaking 867 lambs in 9 hours!

The thumbs-up for Irish shearer Ivan Scott’s attempt to shear more than 866 strongwool lambs in nine hours, delayed two days by wet weather, came at the pre-record wool-weigh, in which a sample shear of lambs prepared for the attempt was required to shear an average minimum of 0.9kg of wool each.


This makes him the first person in the northern hemisphere to hold the record.

It was three fewer than King had shorn at the same stage, but a split second ahead of the target time per lamb, and shearing at a rate of 37.19 seconds a lamb or 96.8 lambs an hour.

Scott already has nine All-Ireland championships under his belt.

Back in April the Irishman set the world record for fastest time shearing a single sheep live on RTÉ’s Big Week on the Farm. Donegal flew to England to beat the record on Sunday.

There was just a hair’s breadth between them as Scott beat King’s record by just one lamb. He once shore 878 in nine hours at work, in New Zealand, without judges or the pressure of shearing alone in front of a crowd.

Record setters Matt Smith, left, and Ivan Scott celebrate after Ivan’s nine hour feat.

Plans are afoot for a three-stand record bid early next year at Waitara Station, near Te Haroto, where Smith broke the eight-hour ewes record in 2010 and brothers Rowland and Doug set a two-stand record a year later. The woolhandler was Helga Sinclair, from Scotland.

It was not Mr Scott’s first world record this year.


Watch Ivan shearing a sheep in 37.9 seconds here……

Donegal man sets new world record in England