
Margot Robbie rejects claims she is ‘overnight sensation’

As the first villain movie of it’s kind and the beginning of a new era for DC, there is so much potential to be found here. It was already announced by the Warner Bros back in March 2016 that they will make a squeal of same film. Harley Quinn’s and Deadshot’s backstories and motives for joining the squad are some of the film’s few redeeming qualities, and Robbie and Smith probably might have made their characters better than they probably were written. “That happens to most people”. After all, if it weren’t for Diablo’s magnificent transformation, I doubt anyone would’ve been able to really take care of The Big Bad in that story, who, oddly enough, was actually the most powerful of all in the Squad. However, Batman doesn’t trust Waller and she doesn’t trust him either.


Castmate Joel Kinnaman also helped out by giving her a book she found really useful for research: “Joel gave me a book called Confessions of A Sociopath and I read that book extensively”, she tells WENN.

While an increasing number of TV and smaller movie stars have come out in recent years, we’re yet to have an LGBT a-list actor.


Jared Leto as Joker and Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in ‘Suicide Squad.’ Courtesy of Google. I got out of my screening of Suicide Squad hours ago, and my brain won’t stop asking the question “How was that movie as awful as it was?”. He won’t be your favorite part of the movie, by any means, but he doesn’t ruin it as thoroughly as I’d been afraid he would. This is something that could have easily been fixed in reshoots, but Ayer and crew choose to use that time to film some truly awkward jokes. I enjoyed a lot of about “Suicide Squad” but after reflection and before writing this review, I realized I liked the idea of the movie more than the movie itself. How this unleashing leads to a world-domination plot is unclear, and the lack of subtext on this pivotal character is one of the most glaring errors in the film. From awful editing and unimaginative action scenes to the asinine decisions character’s make that goes completely against their thinly outlined personas, only existing to move the story along.

When it comes to The Joker keep your distance