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From taking a jab at previous DC movies to an appearance of what might be another comic book villain, here are six Suicide Squad Easter Eggs you might have missed amidst the film’s glorious action pieces.


Suicide Squad, which hit cinemas on Friday, has an all-star cast including Will Smith and Jared Leto. Aside from The Joker and to a lesser extent Harley Quinn, these characters are all small fry compared to Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.

In short, the right movie for the right time, and the sequel will be even better! “That happens to most people”. Batman chases the Jokermobile through Gotham and arrests gal pal Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), but that’s it. Jai Courtney is entertaining as Boomerang, the obvious comic relief, while Jay Hernandez brings a surprising amount of depth to El Diablo. It’s her idea to take the most brutal prisoners known and force them to fight on behalf of the good guys – even though Waller’s kind of very bad herself. She assigns Rick Flah (Joel Kinnaman) to head the mission on the ground while she watches from her control center.

“I think that would be great to dive in deeper to the Joker and expand his story and learn a bit more about this sick and twisted – but lovely – unusual man”.

“Suicide Squad” isn’t the 26-percent on Rotten Tomatoes disaster that you have heard about but it can’t help but feel that it’s a bit of a letdown.

So in short, don’t expect these superhero movies to go away any time soon. The first pictures of his excessive tattoos and clean look proved that fans would receive a different Joker, seemingly more influenced by “The Killing Joke”, but it came with split feelings. That makes it far more hard for gay actors to get major role, and also for mainstream populist movies about LGBT leads to get made, as the perception is it will knock the box office in conservative countries and amongst right wing homophobes. Many have suggested this isn’t a coincidence, and it appears Jared Leto agrees with them.


However, the characters (and the actors who portray them) are spot on, especially Will Smith’s Deadshot, Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn, and Viola Davis’ Amanda Waller. The Enchantress isn’t an interesting villain and that’s a problem when trying to create tension in a movie.

Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad