
Clinton is queen of corruption, says Donald Trump

“Well we have so many different ones to choose”, the Republican presidential nominee said in an interview with First Coast News, an online news organization. And that coverage took him to the top of the Republican pile, discarding the other guys like Cruz and Rubio.


“As I have said we are not going to be deporting hard working people and break up families”, Clinton said in response to the final question of how she won’t inherit the title of “deporter-in-chief”.

It was a stunning reversal for Trump, a candidate who is known for his refusal to admit mistakes and whose general election campaign has been defined by his constant attacks on fellow Republicans.

Several Trump supporters responded more aggressively to Trump’s biting excoriation of Clinton’s character. John McCain and New Hampshire Sen. “We need to stand up and say that Donald Trump doesn’t represent who we are and what we believe”.

If some conservatives find this too much and bolt the party, good for them, and they should be welcomed into the coalition of the sane. Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos offered a blunt message ahead of the presidential nominee’s arrival.

Trump was asked in an interview about possible female candidates for cabinet positions.

Clinton and Trump share one obstacle: trust.

Hillary Clinton sort of, kind of, nearly broke her streak and held a press conference on Friday.

Clinton also addressed the problematic ways in which Trump has treated reporters, saying it is a “badge of honor” when journalists are kicked out of his press conferences or banned from attending his rallies.

He told his supporters: “In one way, she’s a monster”.

On the controversy over her private email server, Clinton also struggled but doubled down on what she’s previously said – that her answers to FBI Director James Comey were truthful and she regrets ever having the second server in the first place.

Emphasizing the historic nature of her husband’s presidency, and of Mrs. Clinton’s nomination, Mrs. Obama noted that, “I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves”. A 2015 report by the Century Foundation found that more than one in four African Americans lived in concentrated poverty, compared with one in 13 white people.

“They’ve supported me. They’ve chastised me”.

The obvious answer, you might think, is that she should keep doing what she is doing – emphasizing how unfit her rival is for office, letting her allies point out her own qualifications and continuing to advocate for a moderately center-left policy agenda that is largely a continuation of President Obama’s.

The Labor Department reported Friday that USA employers added a healthy 255,000 jobs in July, a sign of confidence that could point to a resilient economy.

Citing an article in The Washington Times, Trump said efforts to resettle Somali refugees in Minnesota had created “an enclave of immigrants with high unemployment” that strains that states resources and creates “a rich pool of potential recruiting targets for Islamist terrorist groups.”.

Mr Nehlen said Mr Trump’s decision “is appropriate and is a display of true leadership”.

During a visit to the joint convention for the National Associations of Black and Hispanic Journalists in Washington, D.C. Friday, Hillary Clinton spoke about Donald Trump’s bad relationship with the media, immigration, her emails and, of course, her likability.

In an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll, Clinton’s edge is 9 points (47% to 38%), cushioning what was a 5-point advantage in early July. “America is better than Donald Trump”.

The plane I saw on television was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not the plane carrying $400 million in cash going to Iran!, tweeted Trump.


The White House has insisted the payment had nothing to do with the release of the hostages.

Hillary Clinton praises media and promises immigration reform in first 'press conference' of 2016