
Trump Officially Endorses House Speaker Paul Ryan

Earlier in the week Trump refused to confirm his support for House Speaker Paul Ryan, as well as senators John McCain and Kelly Ayotte.


Ryan reiterated his stance Friday that “With any endorsement of anybody, there’s never a blank check”.

“These are two men who I believe are going to play an enormously important role in restoring the strength of this country at home and overseas”, Pence said.

However, Persily said that with the bureaucratic nightmare of the state ballot and electoral college that would follow any such vote, Republicans are very unlikely to bother unless Trump chooses to drop out.

For his part, Ryan said his Trump endorsement was not iron-clad. He says he is still “watching and waiting and evaluating”.

Turning to his congressional work, Ryan said he would not bring the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact to the House floor while President Barack Obama is still in office. A Pence spokesman on Thursday issued a blanket endorsement for all Republican congressional incumbents seeking re-election, even as Trump withheld endorsements for Arizona Sen.

“I’ve seen my role as simply amplifying the points that Donald Trump is making”, Pence said, adding that the two talk nearly every day.

Army veteran Sgt. Crystal Cravens also spoke, calling on McCain not to be afraid of Trump’s wrath and to unendorse Trump despite the criticism that may come from the nominee and his supporters.

Paul Nehlen’s comments on a radio show this week have drawn derision from other Republicans.

“We have no knowledge of this and it’s a question for their campaign”, the aide said. He later said he wants to deport only Muslims who believe in Sharia.

Wisconsin’s Republican primary is on Tuesday.

It was a stunning reversal for Trump, a candidate who is known for his refusal to admit mistakes and whose general election campaign has been defined by his constant attacks on fellow Republicans.

Trump then sounded the theme of Republican unity in the quest to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton in November.

Trump, who appeared to open the rally by reading from prepared remarks, also railed against Hillary Clinton’s remarks on the FBI’s investigation of her private email setup before riffing on his own missteps this week. Trump has praised Ryan’s opponent, businessman Paul Nehlen. The New York Times reports that during a rally in ME on Thursday, Trump called Ryan a “good guy” and urged his supporters to stop when they booed the speaker.

Trump’s approach to national security came under fire Friday as well, with former CIA Director Michael Morell contending the Republican nominee would make “a poor, even risky commander in chief”.

Ryan told a Wisconsin radio station “I don’t want to do this, but I will do this because I feel I have to in order to defend Republicans and our principles”.

None of the top-ranking Wisconsin Republicans are attending the Trump event.

Trump economic adviser Stephen Moore told Reuters that the candidate’s “all-encompassing” plan would focus on four areas: tax, deregulation, energy policy and trade.


Mr Trump’s refusal to provide an endorsement seemed to indicate a sense of retaliation against Mr Ryan, who hesitated to back the NY businessman prior to his receiving the Republican nomination.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had previously declined to endorse three Republicans in their upcoming primaries